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  • A service kitchen will be installed for use when conducting social events, special meetings and other activities.
  • The "Old Kitchen' will be restored and ultimately will look like an old kitchen in the 1800s.
  • All storm windows, sashes, doors, and flooring will be restored to look like new.
  • Antique chandeliers and sconces, antique (or similar) hardware, switches, outlets, etc. will be used throughout.
  • Three (3) beautiful stained glass windows will be installed on the divider wall between the kitchen and the former dining room.
  • A new oak double door with clear beveled glass panels will be built and installed between the front and main parlor.
  • Ceiling medallions and crown molding will be installed in the front and main parlor.
  • The beautiful very large ink and pencil drawing by George H Greenfield (last man who owned the house) will be glass framed and displayed in the Main Parlor.
  • The exterior of the house will be completely renovated. This includes all doors, porches. decking and repainted. The mini roofs over the large stained glass window and side wide will be restored and painted to match the color of the roof.
  • The second floor of the house will not be renovated at this time, but provisions have been made for plumbing, heating & A/C and electrical for renovation which may occur in the future.

Board members:

 Eladio (Chico) Ramirez - President


 Leslie Barton -

Vice President


 Kacie Brunner - Treasurer

 Secretary - vacancy



  Annette Bornor

  Kim Hoag

  Dorothy Weeks

  Phil Carpenter

  Lois Wadsworth

  Shelly Madden








OUR LOCATION: We are at the four corners in the middle of the Village. To find us click the MAP.

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